Short Stories
"How it Ends," Heavy Feather Review's #notmypresident (August 17, 2017).
"Pacto del Olvido," [Winner of the 2016 Washington Square Fiction Award], Washington Square (Fall 2016, Number 38).
"The Last American Tiger." in The Museum of All Things Awesome and that Go Boom. Ed. by Merriam, Joanne. (Nashville, TN: Upper Rubber Boot Books), 2016.
"Pools." Pinball (Issue #10, Summer 2016).
"Creams and Salves." REAL: Regarding Arts & Letters (Volume 39, Issue 2; June 2016).
"After the Riots." Atticus Review (May 17, 2016 "Protest" theme issue).
"Princeton Prison Experiment." Entropy (March 17, 2016).
"Chimpanzees." Passages North (Issue 37, January 2016).
"And One Fair Winter." Beechwood Review (Summer 2015).
"Hole." Another Chicago Magazine (ACM) (Volume 53, Spring 2015).
"The Future Was Ours." Gotham Writers (finalist for 2015 Musical Words contest) (February 2015).
"GMO Bunny." Entropy (January 2, 2015).
"[Title Withheld Pending Naming Rights Negotiations]." Entropy (November 21, 2014).
"What We Remember About the Great Loves of our Life." Cobalt (THE COBALT BASEBALL ISSUE 2014; July 16, 2014).
"Somewhere Around Then." Five Chapters (May 2014) [electronic publication: no longer available].
"The Last American Tiger." The Pinch (Volume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2014).
"The Pregnant Milessa." Heavy Feather Review (Issue 3.1, Fall 2013).
"Golem Dust." Litro (Issue #128- September 10, 2013)
"Kryptonite." Tampa Review Online (Issue Seven, Spring 2013).
"Bronzed." Packingtown Review (Volume 4, Spring 2013).
"The Communion of Saints." Corium Magazine (Issue Twelve, Winter 2013).
"A Census of Doors." Knee-Jerk (January 2013).
"Preludes." The Journal (36.1 Spring/Summer 2012), 20-33.
"Making Ketchup." The Tusculum Review (Winter 2102).
"The Exile Suite." Pear Noir! (Number Seven , Winter 2012), 2-12.
"You Okay?" REAL: Regarding Arts and Letters (Vol. 35, No. 2, Spring/Summer 2011), 122-129.
“Big Baby Hot. Big Baby Cold. Big Baby in the Pram Five Days Old.” The Florida Review (Vol. 35, No. 2).
"Reality." Wonderfort (September 2011) [electronic publication: no longer available].
“The Boy and the Palm Reader.” (co-written with Jenniey Tallman). The Collagist (January 2011).
“The Christmas Bird.” Metazen Christmas Charity E-Book. Ed. by Frank Hinton. (Metazen) December 2010.
“Reed Sees Himself.” The Normal School Vol. 3, Issue 2 (Fall 2010), 73-75.
“Blue Fish Apocalpyse #12 & 35.” Hobart Online (September 2010).
“Hemingway and Fitzgerald Drinking on La Rue Delambre.” The Ear Hustler (Issue 1, September 2010): 20-34. [electronic publication: no longer available].
“Monkey-Men in Office Suite 209.” in On the Clock: a Book of Post-Industrial Fiction. Ed. by Maday, Josh and Vande Zande, Jeff. (Huron, OH: Bottom Dog Press, Inc.), 130-149.
“More of the Same.” Mid-American Review (Vol. XXX, No. 1 & 2). 229-241.
“A Memo from Arachnid Productions.” The Pedestal Magazine (No. 58, June 2010).
“Twirly.” Waccamaw (No. 5—Spring 2010)
“Dining by Candlelight.” Pank Magazine (March 2010)
“Donald Rumsfeld Saved From Foreign Words.” Black Warrior Review 36.2 (Spring/Summer 2010): 19-30.
“Kind and Merciful.” Keyhole 9 (Fall 2009): 94-112.
“Monkey-Men in Office Suite 209.” Beloit Fiction Journal 22 (Spring 2009): 100-109.
“Rabbit Juice (Jus du Lapin).” Shakespeare’s Monkey Review 2:2 (January – April 2009): 26-27.
“Young Nihilist Seeks Other.” Gargoyle 53 (Summer 2008): 238-243.
“Monkey Tails.” NorthPoint (17 May 2008): n.p. [Electronic publication: no longer available].
"Acquiescence.” Web Conjunctions (29 November 2007)
"God’s Green Earth.” Pindeldyboz (3 May 2006) [electronic publication: no longer available].
"Diseases in the Critter Population." Red Rock Review 17 (Summer 2005): 135-143.
"Sad Children Crying." The Portland Review 51:3 (2004): 91-96.
"Pacto del Olvido," [Winner of the 2016 Washington Square Fiction Award], Washington Square (Fall 2016, Number 38).
"The Last American Tiger." in The Museum of All Things Awesome and that Go Boom. Ed. by Merriam, Joanne. (Nashville, TN: Upper Rubber Boot Books), 2016.
"Pools." Pinball (Issue #10, Summer 2016).
"Creams and Salves." REAL: Regarding Arts & Letters (Volume 39, Issue 2; June 2016).
"After the Riots." Atticus Review (May 17, 2016 "Protest" theme issue).
"Princeton Prison Experiment." Entropy (March 17, 2016).
"Chimpanzees." Passages North (Issue 37, January 2016).
"And One Fair Winter." Beechwood Review (Summer 2015).
"Hole." Another Chicago Magazine (ACM) (Volume 53, Spring 2015).
"The Future Was Ours." Gotham Writers (finalist for 2015 Musical Words contest) (February 2015).
"GMO Bunny." Entropy (January 2, 2015).
"[Title Withheld Pending Naming Rights Negotiations]." Entropy (November 21, 2014).
"What We Remember About the Great Loves of our Life." Cobalt (THE COBALT BASEBALL ISSUE 2014; July 16, 2014).
"Somewhere Around Then." Five Chapters (May 2014) [electronic publication: no longer available].
"The Last American Tiger." The Pinch (Volume 34, Issue 1, Spring 2014).
"The Pregnant Milessa." Heavy Feather Review (Issue 3.1, Fall 2013).
"Golem Dust." Litro (Issue #128- September 10, 2013)
"Kryptonite." Tampa Review Online (Issue Seven, Spring 2013).
"Bronzed." Packingtown Review (Volume 4, Spring 2013).
"The Communion of Saints." Corium Magazine (Issue Twelve, Winter 2013).
"A Census of Doors." Knee-Jerk (January 2013).
"Preludes." The Journal (36.1 Spring/Summer 2012), 20-33.
"Making Ketchup." The Tusculum Review (Winter 2102).
"The Exile Suite." Pear Noir! (Number Seven , Winter 2012), 2-12.
"You Okay?" REAL: Regarding Arts and Letters (Vol. 35, No. 2, Spring/Summer 2011), 122-129.
“Big Baby Hot. Big Baby Cold. Big Baby in the Pram Five Days Old.” The Florida Review (Vol. 35, No. 2).
"Reality." Wonderfort (September 2011) [electronic publication: no longer available].
“The Boy and the Palm Reader.” (co-written with Jenniey Tallman). The Collagist (January 2011).
“The Christmas Bird.” Metazen Christmas Charity E-Book. Ed. by Frank Hinton. (Metazen) December 2010.
“Reed Sees Himself.” The Normal School Vol. 3, Issue 2 (Fall 2010), 73-75.
“Blue Fish Apocalpyse #12 & 35.” Hobart Online (September 2010).
“Hemingway and Fitzgerald Drinking on La Rue Delambre.” The Ear Hustler (Issue 1, September 2010): 20-34. [electronic publication: no longer available].
“Monkey-Men in Office Suite 209.” in On the Clock: a Book of Post-Industrial Fiction. Ed. by Maday, Josh and Vande Zande, Jeff. (Huron, OH: Bottom Dog Press, Inc.), 130-149.
“More of the Same.” Mid-American Review (Vol. XXX, No. 1 & 2). 229-241.
“A Memo from Arachnid Productions.” The Pedestal Magazine (No. 58, June 2010).
“Twirly.” Waccamaw (No. 5—Spring 2010)
“Dining by Candlelight.” Pank Magazine (March 2010)
“Donald Rumsfeld Saved From Foreign Words.” Black Warrior Review 36.2 (Spring/Summer 2010): 19-30.
“Kind and Merciful.” Keyhole 9 (Fall 2009): 94-112.
“Monkey-Men in Office Suite 209.” Beloit Fiction Journal 22 (Spring 2009): 100-109.
“Rabbit Juice (Jus du Lapin).” Shakespeare’s Monkey Review 2:2 (January – April 2009): 26-27.
“Young Nihilist Seeks Other.” Gargoyle 53 (Summer 2008): 238-243.
“Monkey Tails.” NorthPoint (17 May 2008): n.p. [Electronic publication: no longer available].
"Acquiescence.” Web Conjunctions (29 November 2007)
"God’s Green Earth.” Pindeldyboz (3 May 2006) [electronic publication: no longer available].
"Diseases in the Critter Population." Red Rock Review 17 (Summer 2005): 135-143.
"Sad Children Crying." The Portland Review 51:3 (2004): 91-96.
Essays & Reviews
Review of Michelle Ross's THERE'S SO MUCH THEY HAVEN'T TOLD YOU. The Collagist (February 15, 2017).
"Why We Need Snow Monsters." Entropy (February 22, 2016).
"Escarole." Entropy (February 9, 2016).
"Hurricane Night, 2003." Entropy (February 1, 2016).
"Chicken in a Pot." Entropy (January 18, 2016).
Review of Mark Doten's THE INFERNAL. The Collagist (February 15, 2015).
"He Was My Friend: The Need for a New Rape Narrative." Entropy (December 11, 2014).
"My Salami Heart: Reflections on the Convergence of Art, Generosity, Success, Sex and Law." Entropy (November 26, 2014).
The Rumpus Interview with Julie Lawson Timmer. The Rumpus (November 19, 2014).
Review of Lance Olsen's THEORIES OF FORGETTING. The Collagist (November 15, 2014).
Review of Amy Rowland's THE TRANSCRIPTIONIST. The Collagist (October 15, 2014).
Review of Megan Martin's NEVERS. The Collagist (September 15, 2014).
Review of Michael Trocchia's THE FATHERLANDS. Heavy Feather Review (July 3, 2014).
Review of Alan DeNiro's TYRANNIA AND OTHER RENDITIONS. The Collagist (May 2014).
Review of Virginia Zaharieva's NINE RABBITS. Heavy Feather Review (May 13, 2014).
The Rumpus Interview with Fred D'Aguiar. The Rumpus (April 8, 2014).
Review of Amber Kloss and Robert Kloss's THE DESERT PLACES (Illustrated by Matt Kish). Necessary Fiction (April 2014).
Review of Jessica Hollander's IN THESE TIMES THE HOME IS A TIRED PLACE. Heavy Feather Review (March 5, 2014).
Review of James Tadd Adcox's THE MAP OF THE SYSTEM OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. Mid-American Review (Vol. XXXIII No. I, December 2012): 205.
Review of Luke Geddes's I AM A MAGICAL TEENAGE PRINCESS. The Collagist (November 2012).
"Now He Lives." The Nervous Breakdown (March 26, 2012).
"Rockstars: Lenny Dykstra & Dan Herman." The Nervious Breakdown (Decemeber 2, 2011).
"The High Cost of Beauty." The Nervous Breakdown (October 24, 2011).
Review of Weston Cutter's YOU'D BE A STRANGER, TOO. The Collagist (April 2011).
Review of Amelia Gray’s MUSEUM OF THE WEIRD. The Collagist (December 2010).
Review of Matthew Sallesess’s OUR ISLAND OF EPIDEMICS. The Collagist (November 2010).
“Note from the Editors.” (with Manisha Sharma) The New River (Fall 2008).
“Reader’s Report from a Jonathan Safan Foer Event: Is Foer Our First Post-Literate Writer?” (23 March, 2005).
"Why We Need Snow Monsters." Entropy (February 22, 2016).
"Escarole." Entropy (February 9, 2016).
"Hurricane Night, 2003." Entropy (February 1, 2016).
"Chicken in a Pot." Entropy (January 18, 2016).
Review of Mark Doten's THE INFERNAL. The Collagist (February 15, 2015).
"He Was My Friend: The Need for a New Rape Narrative." Entropy (December 11, 2014).
"My Salami Heart: Reflections on the Convergence of Art, Generosity, Success, Sex and Law." Entropy (November 26, 2014).
The Rumpus Interview with Julie Lawson Timmer. The Rumpus (November 19, 2014).
Review of Lance Olsen's THEORIES OF FORGETTING. The Collagist (November 15, 2014).
Review of Amy Rowland's THE TRANSCRIPTIONIST. The Collagist (October 15, 2014).
Review of Megan Martin's NEVERS. The Collagist (September 15, 2014).
Review of Michael Trocchia's THE FATHERLANDS. Heavy Feather Review (July 3, 2014).
Review of Alan DeNiro's TYRANNIA AND OTHER RENDITIONS. The Collagist (May 2014).
Review of Virginia Zaharieva's NINE RABBITS. Heavy Feather Review (May 13, 2014).
The Rumpus Interview with Fred D'Aguiar. The Rumpus (April 8, 2014).
Review of Amber Kloss and Robert Kloss's THE DESERT PLACES (Illustrated by Matt Kish). Necessary Fiction (April 2014).
Review of Jessica Hollander's IN THESE TIMES THE HOME IS A TIRED PLACE. Heavy Feather Review (March 5, 2014).
Review of James Tadd Adcox's THE MAP OF THE SYSTEM OF HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. Mid-American Review (Vol. XXXIII No. I, December 2012): 205.
Review of Luke Geddes's I AM A MAGICAL TEENAGE PRINCESS. The Collagist (November 2012).
"Now He Lives." The Nervous Breakdown (March 26, 2012).
"Rockstars: Lenny Dykstra & Dan Herman." The Nervious Breakdown (Decemeber 2, 2011).
"The High Cost of Beauty." The Nervous Breakdown (October 24, 2011).
Review of Weston Cutter's YOU'D BE A STRANGER, TOO. The Collagist (April 2011).
Review of Amelia Gray’s MUSEUM OF THE WEIRD. The Collagist (December 2010).
Review of Matthew Sallesess’s OUR ISLAND OF EPIDEMICS. The Collagist (November 2010).
“Note from the Editors.” (with Manisha Sharma) The New River (Fall 2008).
“Reader’s Report from a Jonathan Safan Foer Event: Is Foer Our First Post-Literate Writer?” (23 March, 2005).