So who is he?
Nick Kocz is the winner of the 2016 Washington Square Fiction Award. His short stories and essays have appeared in a number of magazines, including Black Warrior Review, Five Chapters, Mid-American Review, The Nervous Breakdown, The Pinch, and Web Conjunctions. He earned his MFA from Virginia Tech and is deeply indebted to the many fine professors and fellow MFA candidates he met there. Several of his short stories have been nominated for a Pushcart Prize. He received a MacDowell Fellowship for support while working on a first novel.
Although he was born in Buffalo, New York and spent the majority of his adult life in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, he now lives with his wife and three wonderful children in Blacksburg, Virginia.
Although he was born in Buffalo, New York and spent the majority of his adult life in the Washington, DC metropolitan area, he now lives with his wife and three wonderful children in Blacksburg, Virginia.